What are the Positives & Negatives to having a Solar Powered House
Why should you get solar for your home? What are the benefits and what are the disadvantages of doing so? Well there are many benefits to having a sustainable house, and even more great advantages to having a solar powered house.
WindSoleil Solar Power Bank vs. Your Old Power Bank
Its time to ditch that old power bank and get a WindSoleil Solar Charger Power Bank with more features and more options.... Click to learn why you should!
America's Cleanest and Dirtiest Energy States
America’s energy policy has been the subject of much recent debate: From the Pope’s public advocacy of environmental stewardship to the EPA’s toughened regulations on pollution from petroleum refineries, the sources that power our society have rarely been so widely scrutinized. Once regarded as a subject best left to the energy sector, the way we fuel our economy has proven its relevance for all citizens, both in America and across the globe.
Ways to Conserve Energy at Home
Every homeowner wishes to conserve energy within their home, and living a more eco-friendly lifestyle has moved to the conscious of families everywhere. Modernize knows that developing a plan to implement this into your life can be a head-scratcher. Some of your home’s big energy suckers are obvious, but some are more hidden. It can be hard to recognize what appliances consume the most energy with no way to track each device.......
Why You Need Portable Energy!
In this day and age many people are using portable electronic devices in all parts of the world. Whether it's a tablet to check your emails on the go, iPod to listen to music or your phone to make calls and use apps; portable devices have become a part of peoples everyday lives.
This has become so much of peoples lives, that you can get on any transit system in any metropolitan city and you will see lots of people around you immersed in their portable tech devices, it is as if these “on the go” devices have become an extension of the human body.
Where is your Electricity From?
Do you know where the energy you use comes from? Think about all those appliances you have running in your house or apartment, the refrigerator, microwave, lights, computer, TV, stereo, heater, etc. Where does the electricity come to power those things, do you know?
Need help finding the right renewable energy products for you or help becoming energy independent or getting off the grid? Looking for somebody or someone to help here are some reasons to go with windsoleil:
Energy is Everything, Everything is created from Energy. Which means that Energy is all around us. If so how can people harness the natural energy around them without causing harm to the environment or other inhabitants on the earth?